Monday, September 10, 2007

First Official Day Of Home School

Today was our first official day of home school. We awoke the children from their deep slumbers. Mr. V was not quite ready to get out of bed yet. He soon crawled out of bed and hit the shower to waken from his sleep.

Miss Bri woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed..ready for her day.

Even Missy was ready for the day.

Miss Bri started her day with drawing a self portrait.

In no time, Tony and Vince worked on Math and Bible together. Here is Vince at work in his books. He is studying the Old Testament.

Miss Bri will be studying bears. We have also been reading the tales of Little Bear, illustrated by Maurice Sendeck. Here she is measuring her bear, May.

Miss Bri also hosted a Teddy Bear Tea Party this afternoon. She made Teddy Bear bicuits topped with Cinnamon & Sugar.

What a lovely day for tea.

The day went quite well, we just have to adjust to a new Fall schedule. Tomorrow will be even better. Each day with our children is a blessing.
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  1. "AMEN!!" Each day with our children is a blessing too!! And your lovely Children are growing fast and quite Precious!! You are truly blessed Mica, to love what you do, and do what you LOVE.


    Auntie, Jeannene

  2. Pretty neat first day of school.
    I must say I have the most beautiful grandchildren in the whole entire world.
    Bri is such a happy little thing and Vinnie is looking more like a very handsome young man instead of a cute little boy. Where did the time go?

    Bri your bear biscuits look really good.
    Good job honey.

  3. Wow, Bri had a very nice first day of school! We love the teddy bear cookies - very cute. :)
