Since I was a teenager I was diagnosed with a mitral valve prolapse, tinnitus and migraines. I have suffered with palpitations of the heart, constant ringing in the ears and excruciating pain in my head which only worsened as I got older. On top of having periodic migraines I have chronic headaches. Eight years ago I found my self in the land of vertigo. My world was spinning almost constantly...only medication would band aid the problem making it temporal. I went from doctor to doctor to specialists of all kinds getting no answers to the true problem. I couldn't concentrate, or function as a wife and mother of my two children. I lost years and time that could have been spent out of the darkness.
Up until 8 months ago I was talking to a friend of mine who suggested I try seeing a Natural path. I did. After telling her my story and symptoms she concluded right then and there that I was devastatingly vitamin deficient in Vitamin B 12. She was sure with high doses of vitamin B 12 through injections that I would start to feel better. After 3 months of shot treatments my world stopped spinning. I was angry at first. I felt robbed of the last eight years of turmoil. It was the simplest answer to constant prayer. It has been 8 months. At times I will get a bit dizzy, but nothing like it had been for so long. I am so thankful to God for taking me out of the deep depression state I had grown in.

It is never to early nor too late to make changes right !
I am happy to share this part of me with you to show you that through affliction there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am vowing now, to get well, get healthy, get in shape and be happier even through the struggles of everyday life. I am going to do this for ME, for God and for my family. I hope you will too.
With that, I must also confess that what I show here is also very real, straight from my heart. We do have the happiest times. I am in a wonderful place in my life where I can be home with my children. It is a growing experience... I am a proud mother. So, even though life may not seem to be a bowl of cherries at times, life could be a bowl of cherries if you make it that way. Thanks for reading, for understanding and giving me a chance to be real.
Or better yet, Life is just a chair of bowlies !!
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ReplyDeleteWhat you have written here is true. Bloggers don't see past the post. They don't see who we REALLY are and are lead to believe that our lives are a bowl of cherries.
ReplyDeleteYes Mica I know you are "real" and I pray every night that you will become healthy and be sick no more.
Wouldn't it be great to have an entire day without some pain or sickness to deal with? That would be wonderful for your husband and children too.
Life goes by to fast and I pray that you will be able to enjoy it and your family in good health.
I know a lady that has missed so much in life due to her nagging illnesses and I do pray that your chair of bowlies change to a bowl of cherries real soon before you are to old to enjoy your family. That includes ALL of us.
Love Ya
Thanks for your honest and heartfelt post Mica. I think sometimes as bloggers we feel that we have to show our readers a world that is full of light and sunshine. I say we need to keep it "real" if we truly want to have a lasting impact on our readers and share an honest testimony of Christ's power and influence in our lives. I am so sorry that you have had to live with such pain and health problems. I, myself, have fibromyalgia and struggle with constant pain on a daily basis. Sometimes I can ignore it to a degree, but it is something I have just learned to live with. Life can indeed be a chair of bowlies but it is the strength of my testimony and the power of Christm that helps get me through each day and look at lifew with the degree of positivity that I am able to! (((hugs))) Perimenopause can be such a trial!! I am 53 and am in that stage myself!
ReplyDeleteMy dear sweet friend,
ReplyDeleteThis post is wonderful. I don't think it's seeking sympathy or anything like that at all.
Life, real life, is the good, the bad, and the in-between.
I'm glad you wrote this post. I'm glad you want to share these things. It's only when we, as humans, know what someone else is going through that we can truly get to know that person and be there, through thick and thin.
I feel bad that your hormones and headache issues aren't gone, but at least the really bad stuff hasn't been as bad, and you have a plan of attack to get through things.
Best of all you have God on your side. Many people without God's hope have a much harder time dealing with chronic illness. It's one of the reasons I write so much about what I'm going through on my blog. I always hope, that even through the chronicles of suffering, that people can still see that I hold hope in Christ and that while I may feel low and in pain, I don't feel completely abandoned either.
I'll continue to pray with you in regards to your headaches and hormones. I know for me the two tend to be linked, so hopefully you can find the right balance and improve with both.
Big hugs my friend, and I'm proud of you to have the courage to write this post!
Mica - thank you for being so "real"! Sometimes in blog-land you only see one aspect of a person. It is heartening to see you sharing your struggles as well. I am so glad you are on the way out of this and that you have discovered what works. I am so sorry you went through so much first. I dealt with major depression for about 20 years and I know what it is like to miss out on that time. Funny thing is, I was just starting to contemplate writing about it too. I think God uses our blogs to minister to people. And your blog is a great one for that.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I will stop rambling. Thank you for sharing!!
Part of "Real Life" is dealing with things that come our way. Not giving in to these trials and pushing forward through. Sometimes it's a snowball effect and you wake up 6 years later wondering where you've been! I encourage you to not "Give in" There are days I work with a Migraine so bad that my vision is off and I could vomit in front of patients any minute. I find the strength (GOD GIVEN) to push through and I am better for it! Being Real is really understanding that losing time to the trials and tribulations is Not and option.
ReplyDeleteYou GO Girl! I will be your cheerleader, When ever you feel like laying down get up and take a walk! seriously, a doctor and professial trainer I worked with told me that when you have a Migraine or a terrible headache Excersising is the best thing for it! I tried and It worked!
Get that Vitamin D on and Move that booty! Stay Positive even if you don't feel it!
It seems a lot of us suffer from one thing or another. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteDon't neglect to get your thyroid checked out - easy blood test at the doctor's office. Many of us ladies heading toward menopause have slightly low thryoid hormone levels and we never know it. It should be close to 1.0. I always ask my doctor to get mine to 1.00 because it makes me feel better even though the "official" normal range is much wider.
I also take a daily vitamin and calcium supplements. I think I'd never have the energy to get through the day without those vitamins!
(((Hugs)))) Thanks for sharing your heart. :)
Thank God for Naturopaths! What a relief to be seeing results in such a short time.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we all have broken pieces in our lives, that in time God will use. You never know who will need to know your story somewhere along the road.
I used to think that I always had to show my best face ~ I had a lot of pride ~ but now I yearn to live a "see-through life" as Beth Moore has said. Good for you for being vulnerable. I pray continued healing for you, body, mind, and spirit!