Friday, March 4, 2011

Thoughts Of My Children.....

I thank God every day for my blessings. For a wonderful husband and the two little gifts God gave to us to care for.... Our children. They make the sun shine when it's not out...I was having a conversation with my son about a friend of his that told him she wished to have at least eight children and be able to stay at home with them and school them at home. Another "friend" of hers said that was a selfish thing to want...that she shouldn't bring so many children into this world and that she should work outside the home. Sad!!! My son thought this to be very sad and tried to uplift her. Sadly many are taught that a fulfilling life is to have a career, that children get in the way of your aspirations and dreams.... Not so! That to me is selfish thinking. It takes a lot to be a mom. A lot of sacrafice yes, but blessings will surely come with the task.We need to pull together and promote motherhood, homemaking and Family. All these are very important...Without them this country will be worse off than it already is. I am a stay at home mother and I home school my kids. I do it because we chose to do it and biblically we are called to do it. I am doing what I have dreamed to do...I am actually living my dream to it's fullest and know that it glorifies God. At the end of the day, I am blessed. I have had the privelidge to share every moment, every stride and accomplishments to all their sadness that may have come with my children. I have watched them grow as well as grow spiritually. We do everything together... and we love it that way. I never feel that I need to get away or have "MY TIME"! Because to be frank...This is not my time...this is a season all too short that I have to raise these delightful gifts for God alone. This is a time for my children. I thank God that I will never have to say...I missed out on them or that someone else had that time with them. Dear friends, I am not saying that you are not blessed if you have to put your children in school or if you have to work...I know that sometimes we all have to do what we need to get by. I know many who wish they could be home with their kids, but they have to work. My heart goes out! I am only saying this to defend mothers that do stay home, have a bunch of kids and teach at home because they choose to and all the while people look down on us like it is a selfish thing or that it is not a worthy job. I think it is a noble job... a lot of hard work that we don't get paid cash for.. I get paid with blessings. And that is fine with me. I wouldn't see it any other way for our family. One day all too soon they will be grown and have their own family, and I will miss that...
Yet, always know I got to savour every bit of it and will never regret!


  1. Sadly Mica we are living in a world that demeans the value of a stay at home mom. I stayed at home with my children when they were growing up. I felt it was the most valuable gift I could ever give them. Not only that it is what God wants us to do. Children deserve to be raised by people who love them, and have a vested interest in their future. XXOO

  2. I thank the Lord I was able to stay home with my children when they were coming up....although I didn't home school them,it was nice to have a time of prayer and bible study before they were on the bus and then to always be there waiting for them when they returned home.
    I think it is so sad that babies are drugged from their beds before day light each morning to be left at babysitters all day and then took back home at in the evening to be put back to bed....I too realize that for some families this must be the case but,still I think it was never God's plan and is still a very sad situation. Your children are so blessed to be able to have such a devoted mother....I truly wish all mothers could be in the home but,it's not so reasonable in the day and time we live in,or so I am told!There is too much to want and afford these days but,not so necessary ,in my opinion :)
    In saying all that I mean in no way to past judgment on anyone....just sharing ...I myself have a daughter that leaves the home each day to care for others as a nurse....I would rather she be able to stay home but,it isn't my choice :) She is a very good mother and sees what she does as what is best for her family.I guess that is how it is with so many other families in the world today....I still think the consequences are devastating to our society ...guess,I will leave it there with enough said :)

  3. Hello Cutie Pie....I guess you thought I had dropped off the face of this world. I still have you coffee cozy and will get it in the mail one of these day. The kids at school have really ben awful lately and my suspension run has had multiple takers day after day...very depressing. Thank goodness there are still mom’s like you out there who stay at home and teach their children the things they truly need to know. You know how proud I am of you. XOXOXO Genie

  4. So true. I have never been happier than at home with my kids. I worked for many years while my older ones were little and thankfully part time and with my mom watching them, but I just wanted to be home. These are the best days of my life and they need us to be around and watchful as much as we can be. No one in the end says they wish they would have worked more.

  5. thank you ladies for your thoughts. I appericiate the feedback. Motherhood is a blessing no matter what anyone thinks...A noble God given job which should be cherished!!! Hugs to all!!! Mica
