Yesterday, the sun was softly glimmering through my windows leaving a lovely glow throughout the house. I love those sort of days. Truly breathtaking. Even when your very ill. You heard me right. We are ill again. It all started in the lungs, with a lovely fever, the perfect sore throat and pounding headache topped off by an angelic cough and flattering runny nose. Fun, fun. I was down for three days this week.Not fun when you were just getting into your mojo. just praying that it's not phnemonia. I need to get myself together...I have an order in for my shop and a tea party to plan this weekend...And it's Friday...Oh no, it's Friday already and the week has slipped away.

I also continue to think of the many gifts and blessings my life has, some are right there in front of me and some are hdden, just waiting to be found. I am not about to let the flu get me down, even then I can think of the many blessings I am ever so thankful to God for. My heart is full of them.
13. The way the sun shines through my window on a beautiful Winter morning.
14. True love.
15. Each step I take is never taken alone.
16. Soothing a sore throat with tea.
17. Seeing myself in my children.
Have a blessed Friday.
Bless your heart...I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Try some hot tea with a lemon is so soothing on the throat and comforting to the soul.Praying you are all better soon...I too am always spell bound by the sun shining through my little humble home,making everything seem so glorious in its presence :)