Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Hunger Games...

We are off to see The Hunger Games at midnight.
 Freckles is ready to go in her Katniss Everdeen outfit. Isn't she sweet?

“Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true.
 Here is the place where I love you.”
-Katniss Everdeen
 “I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun”.
-Katniss Everdeen 

 “Panic begins to set in. I can’t stay here. Flight is essential.”…
”But I can’t let my fear show”.
-Katniss Everdeen

“Happy Hunger Games!
And may the odds be ever in your favor!”
-Effie Trinket


  1. Our precious Beauty! God Bless America! I miss you guys so much! kiss kiss, hug hug~!

  2. Oh!! These are beautiful! I love bonding with my girl over these books. We have tix for a matinee after church on Sunday!

    I can't wait to show her this post :)
