Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Frolicking Freckles Funk & Junk

I just opened my newest Etsy Shop. Click on the banner above to visit me. Be sure to add me to your Etsy faves...Perhaps you'll find a new treasure. Here are just a few of the vintage items from the shop.
Oh Happy Day...
Have a great one.
Thanks for your support.


  1. Good Morning!!! What a FUN colorful Post... are you selling these cute things?? Or, is Freckles?

    Well, I guess the browser "GOOGLE CHROME" does not work anymore for us. Ty is looking into this. We used it all the time, now it seems to be very sensitive to things to very difficult to use. So, I am using another browser and can leave a comment now. So Strange.

    Thank you for stopping by and your comment. Praying for Grandma Rita and will call the Hospital. Excited for the weekend, Our 12TH Anniversary and Ty's Birthday. Also, knew you would love that sofa I picked up. I actually put that sofa in the formal living room, and the $20 dollar sofa upstairs in the big playroom for the kids or anyone to sit on. We kept the 'grayish sage one' in the family room still.

    The new one I picked up just needs some TLC. Wish you were here to give me tips on making /sew up a whole new cover for the two cushions to recover them. You are very talented in that area, not so much me. lol. Awaiting your families Visit Some Day SOON... *wink* - Possibly this year?? Praying for this... Love and Hugs... xoxoxo

  2. Going to take a look see...blessings on your new shop.

  3. YEAHHHH!! I am so happy you opened this shop! I always drool over all your fun vintage goodies! Congratulations!

    I finally opened mine too! Hip hip hooray!
