Thursday, May 24, 2012

Master Of Divinity...

He did it....He did it.
Mr. Darling graduates this Saturday with a Master Of Divinity degree from Seminary.
 He studied hard for the last four years.
What is a Master Of Divinity you ask?
 In the academic study of theology, the Master of Divinity (M.Div., magister divinitatis in Latin) is the first professional degree of the pastoral profession in North America. It is the most common academic degree in seminaries. In many Christian denominations the degree is the standard prerequisite for ordination to the pastorship ordination or licensing to professional ministry.
Christian MDiv programs generally include studies in Christian ministry and theology. Coursework usually includes studies in New Testament Greek, theology, philosophy, church history, pastoral theology, Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), and New Testament studies.
Many programs also contain courses in church growth, ecclesiology, evangelism, systematic theology, Christian education, liturgical studies, Latin, Hebrew, canon law, and patristics.

We have been through some ups, downs, joys and sorrows, good times & bad times.
 A journey we will never regret. A journey we are so blessed to be on.
 God's hand has brought us through some bumps in the road. His grace has abounded. As Mr. Darlings wife, I am so very proud right now. Firsthand I have watched him go through some very stressful times. I have been there for him since day one and will be forever be. He never ceases to amaze me.

After his graduation ceremony, we will be celebrating. Our parents, family and church family...And of course our beautiful children will be there. So excited... We have a lot of work ahead of us. Lot's of cooking, baking and prep. Will share more later. For now...we are off to celebrate this momentus occasion.
 See ya soon.


  1. Congratulations to you and your Husband!!!

  2. Congrats to Mr Darling!! Usually we are at every graduation but can't make it this time. May God continually bless you.

  3. Congratulations Tony!!

    GREAT & AWESOME PICTURES of Tony Mica!!! He looks so Joyful, Happy, Accomplished and Relieved it is all over!! :) And I don't blame him. I am so happy for HIM and all of YOU... onto the next Chapter and Journey in your lives! Much Prayer, Love and Support to you all as you move forward in the LORD'S WILL.

    "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." ~ (Numbers 6:22-27)

    We love y'all...
