Sunday, October 12, 2014

In The Dining Room and Making Lists

Oops it has been almost two weeks since I last posted. It has been busy round here as I have been trying to catch up on life and meld with the new schedules and demands. I know we will eventually get it down sooner or later. I finally manage to clean up my dining room area after I had demolished the house by moving out furniture and moving in other pieces as well as going through things...It really does get worse before it all gets better. It has also taken me a little longer due to the heat here. It has been relentlessly in the upper 90's as we have moved into Fall...and our place does not have air...nor do we get very good cross breeze. Slowly but surely I am seeing the light.

Notice my newest friend here. We found this Rooster head while thrifting not too long ago for two bucks. I had to bring his whimsical charm to my home. I knew he would be happy here. He fits in perfectly. My dream is still to someday have a little flock of chickens. Oh how I miss raising chickens. Chickens bring back the best of memories in my childhood.
 Someday I will have them...someday.

I have also taken my dear Mr. Darling's advice to keeping lists and be a bit more organized. The follow through is still hard for me because I am a bit flighty when it comes to chores. I just always have been. He is a list maker and swears by them to keep him on task with his day. Me...I am trying...But there are times I forget it's even there and I don't check off things or I forget to fill it out daily. I know it's pretty bad at my age I don't have this one down. I need grace everyday... 
I will keep trying. I must admit though even making out my grocery list has been very helpful and keeps me on the right track and I am able to plan our meals out a lot better. That is a no brainer. I admit I have not always been good with taking a list to the store and let me tell you when I don't have a list or a plan...Things fall apart at home and we end up making extra trips to the grocery not to mention we probably end up spending more money by not planning well..

Next,  I need to tackle the sewing room. Since next month we will be having family over...So excited to see my Mother in Law and our son is coming home for a couple days too. It will be a great time as Mr. Darling will be officially ordained as a Pastor. Let's just hope I can keep it all up ...

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