Sunday, October 28, 2012

Houston (Sandy) We Have A Problem....

 We are still here in Toronto Canada...
We were expecting to leave Monday evening...But due to Hurricane Sandy, our flight was canceled. We were supposed to fly into DC before catching a flight home. Now we don't know when we will be able to leave. Just giving you all a heads up and asking for prayer. Please pray for the people who will unfortunately be hit by this storm and for those who have already been hit by it. prayerfully it will blow off into the ocean away from the coast...So far it is not looking very good.
 Here in Toronto, we should be safe, yet we just don't know
 how long we will be grounded here from going home.
 I am missing our kids something awful....


  1. Oh this storm is a trouble maker! I wondered if you were still there. HOw did it go????? what do you think???? Im sorry youre stuck there. I hope you can get out in a couple days. Keep us posted.
    hugs and PRAYERS!

  2. Sending up a prayer....travels mercies coming home for you all....blessings

  3. My thoughts are with you -- and your children back at home! I have a friend who was supposed to fly out of Boston, where she's been visiting her daughter who just moved there to start graduate school in September. She texted and says her flight has been cancelled. I think it is good that she will be there with her daughter to help her get through this storm, though.

  4. Praying!!!!! Love you! Let me know If you need me to go get the kids.

    Ok, Love you


  5. ok, Talked to Vince, I feel better, Love you guys!!! Praying


  6. Keeping you in my prayers for safe travels back soon!! Take care! xo heather

  7. Mica, Call me! I would be more than happy to have you guys stay with us!

    Sandy xox

  8. thankyou was a measure of patience but we made it home last night with a different appericiate your thoughts and prayers and Sandy...I wish we could have met...yet we were well taken care of..Hugs all..Mica

  9. So Glad your home! Now we can breathe!

    Okay! Love you!

    Lori and Donovan
