Friday, April 3, 2015

Year Twenty~One

We celebrated year Twenty~One this weekend. 
I remember our wedding day as if it were yesterday. Waking up in the morning with my Nieces and my In Laws, they curled my hair and helped me get ready for the biggest day of my life. We went down to the Chapel and there waiting for me at the alter was my dear Mr. Darling who was smiling from ear to ear. My father in Law walked me down the aisle, tears streaming from my face. Mr. Darling reached for my hand, we shared our which I cried the whole way through them. They were not sad tears, they were tears of joy!
I finally married my best friend, my one true love. 
It was Easter Sunday...
Our reception was an Easter lunch with my new family. 
A day I will always cherish!

We have been through a lot! 
These many years have brought us joy and sorrow, life and loss, and happiness and hardships. 
I feel these things have grown us mentally, physically and spiritually, and have only brought us closer to not only one another, but closer to our Lord. His hand has been there through it all. A life we are thankful and grateful for, a life we truly don't deserve, but blessed by. He has opened our eyes to so much, even the hate that people have for us...But we endure these trials and conflicts with outsiders, knowing that we (As Christians) will be persecuted just as Christ was. Yet, He has also shown us much love through His people (fellow believers) A love that only a believer would truly know. We are truly blessed by those He has put into our lives, those who love us for who we are, who accept us for what we are and unconditionally love us and never seek something back in return nor stab us in the back.. or speak ill of us... We have on so many different accounts been lifted up and loved through prayer and acts of kindness and pure generosity from others through the name of Christ. It has been humbling and amazing. We are blessed to walk this life with the family of God. 
I think of Ruth in the Bible, who left her people to be with Naomi, her mother in law. Making Naomi's people her people. She trusted in the Lord and never looked back. When I married my husband we were given this scripture from the Chapel Pastor who married us.

 For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” 
Ruth 1:16-17

This quote from Ruth means a lot to me, for I feel this very way.
I am prepared for the road ahead, which will surely not be an easy one. But we will not be walking it alone. The Lord is with us to carry us through. I am ready!
I pray the Lord will bless us with many more years in marriage together.

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