Today I choose joy, Everyday I choose joy. No matter how mundane some days seem to be or days where I'm just bored or tired. I still choose joy over letting it all get to me, or letting things bring me down. I am so thankful and grateful to God that He has given me this life, here & now. He knows where I should be. In that I am learning to be content. Yes, there is a little piece of me whom is impatient with questioning and worry with where He will move us to. We are waiting on the Lord right now as to where Mr. Darling will be used for work, where we will live, where he will shepherd a flock. The weeks have been passing by and we still have no clue as to where we are going. But God does. I pray he will reveal His good plan to us soon. For now though... I will wait and I will find joy in every day that has been gifted to me. I have no clue at this time where we will be sent to...It could very well be out of state somewhere.So, I have been trying to make efforts to spend time with those we love, for we may not be living just an hour away...I have spent a couple weekends with my sister, making some fun memories with her and her family, which I hope gave them joy...Because it sure did bring me joy. This next week I will spend some time with my parents and Gramma too. These little moments together before we go will be cherished ones. I will miss them very much if we had to move far away. Knowing that I spent some time with them will give my heart peace and joy.

This Summer has been filled with many joys. With family and friends. We graduated our son from High School, my hubby's graduation from seminary, family visits, We had a wonderful week in Lake Tahoe, dinner nights with friends, lot's of family time with our kids and good quality time has been spent with our daughter while our son is off on an adventure in the Sierra's. It has been a joy to just hang out with my little girl who is not so little anymore. We have been creating some great art work together, hanging out, thrift shopping, window shopping, listening to music, putting together some really cute outfits just for fun as the laughter that fills the house fills my heart full. yet, I must say the best times with her has been spent with God. Everyday, we read the Bible and pray together...That my friends gives me so much joy, just to know my children are walking in the truth, that they love God with all their hearts, with all their minds, with all their soul & strength. There is nothing more than that which would bring me meaningful joy.
I love that I can find joy in the littlest things. God's little creatures, flowers on my table, a smile, hugs & kisses from my Dear Mr. Darling & Children, the sun shining through my window, fresh water to drink...Those may seem like little things really...but, then again...they are big things...At least they are to me. I guess you can say, this life we have though it is surrounded by some pretty dark stuff in the world...can be seen in a different light. You just need to open your eyes, look on the good side, the brighter side, with faith in God...Joy can be found everywhere you look, you just have to look at it with a good attitude. Yes, even through the hardest of times, the unhappiest of times, the saddest times, the mundane times...You can find joy...You can have joy. With Faith, prayer, and the right perspective Joy can be found in the simplest things...And in the simplest ways. Keep your eye's on Him.. A great place to find joy is start reading the book of Psalms...
See here: You will find Joy in the Bible.
Look up joy in the Bible...You'll find it everywhere.

And here are
12 practical tips on finding joy & staying joyful.
I hope you will find joy today and everyday.
ReplyDeleteI choose joy, too, and sometimes have to remind myself.
Do you love the Tasha Tudor book Take Joy? It is one of my favorite titles ever.
Joy is always good! Hope you find out what direction you are moving in soon.