Thursday, September 25, 2014


Sorry for the absence the last couple weeks. It has been quite the whirlwind and adjustment with our new schedule. Unfortunately I ended up being the first one to get sick the beginning of our school year. It was not a good week and a half for this Momma. I do not do sick very well. Usually when I am sick, I am down for the count. When I am sick, I tend not to preform well at all, I don't function as I should which is probably the case for some people. I tried hard to tough it out, getting up at the crack of dawn to get Freckles ready for her Monday/Wednesday days at the academy, preparing her lunch and getting her to school on time...But coming home and crashing an extra couple hours. Then going back to pick her up, bring her home, getting her home in time to do her babysitting job on Mondays, go back to the school and complete my weekly volunteer tasks four days a week, then every other week getting my girl to her speech club and working with all the kids and trying to do my chores at home...It is just taking me a little longer to get this engine going and finding a rhythm. Thankfully I am finally feeling back to normal, so I am looking forward to getting us on track with our new routine. On another note: Freckles is doing 
very well thus far in her classes and enjoying the new challenge. 
Her dad works on her Latin assignments while I help her with other subjects whenever she feels stuck. Yet, most of her work is done independently...So so proud of her! 

I also wanted to share some of her lunches which I try to make different every time. I have been making our usual dinners and saving a leftover to put in her pack. The nice thing about the academy is theres a microwave available to heat up her food. Along with her main course, I usually add fresh fruit, dried fruit, chips or munchies and a little dessert. It has been fun to pack her lunches in cute containers as well. We have a local Daiso shop down the street, which we frequent often and is so much better than the Dollar stores because the stuff is so much cuter...I have found all my Bento lunch containers and supplies there. If you are not familiar with what Bento is...check it out online. You may just find some inspiration in making your kids lunches creative and fun!

I wanted to close this post with my girl and her History project she came up with. The class was asked to choose an Emperor and make a campaign poster for him. She chose Justinian The Great and cleverly added the sports fan foam hand to it. It was fun to watch
 her create this piece and it gave us a good giggle. 
I hope to be back soon. It is a busy week.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better!. The strawberry containers are adorable; too bad we don't have a Daiso shop in our area, at least I haven't seen any. Your daughter's poster is awesome!

  2. Glad you are feeling better Mica. My goodness, you are even creative when it comes to making lunches. So cute. Glad to read your girl is doing so well at her new school, but then why wouldn't she.......she's had an excellent teacher all her life. Blessings friend
